Welcome to the place where conversations with animals are possible!

Animal communication

Communication with animals is a transfer of information, emotions and feelings during an intuitive conversation from humans to animals and vice versa. Animals just like humans are thinking, feeling and emotional beings. They have their own viewpoints, opinions and feelings about different things and events.

Communication can help to find out how our animal is feeling, what he/she likes and dislikes, what are his/her interests, thoughts and opinions on different situations, events or even order of the world. We can find out what is an animal's mission in the life of his/her human guardian or what kind of a soul contract they both have. Communication can help to deal with behavioural and health issues and it can also help to get the animal ready for big life events like moving to a new place or the arrival of a new baby in the family. Conversing with an animal can give solace and support in the time when we prepare for our animal’s passing from this world. It is also possible to communicate with animals in spirit after they have passed over.

I am sure that anyone, who shares his/her life with animal companions, already unconsciously communicates with them. We do not need special powers or gifts to be able to speak with animals. Anyone can learn this skill, as long as they have such intent and enough determination. Children usually have this skill naturally, it is just that under the influence of modern society this skill is silenced or lost completely.

This communication depends on our intuition and our ability to develop it. As intuition is not restricted by space or time, we can speak with animals across any distance in any place, at any time. Usually, it does not matter what the animals are doing at this time. Animals are masters at intuitive communication, they can communicate with someone and sleep, run, play or eat at the same time.

Most of the time animals gladly talk with human beings. They have a lot to tell us and it is worth listening to them. 



Looking for some interesting Christmas presents? What about a gift of a conversation with a family pet for your friend, relative or yourself?
Conversations with Animals offers a discount on conversations and gift cards during this festive time. 45 euros per conversation with an animal till December 25.